Monday, April 19, 2010

DATE #5: Le Cirque de Dates

On-line, Mr. Le Cirque and I were only a 74% match but how can you turn down a date with a guy who's in Circle du Soleil?

Happy hour drinks and appetizers on a Wednesday evening. We met at Thompson Sq Park and Mr. Le Cirque took me to some vegetarian restaurant called veggie delite or delight or something.

We ordered cocktails made with cucumbers and wheatgrass, snacked on raw almonds and ordered some tofu rolls that tasted like lettuce wrapped dirt balls.

Conversation was anything but easy flowing. We talked primarily about Cirque du Soleil - I saw it in Vegas and thought it was just SO spectacular. He said, "well, yeah, it's a good job", then he proceeded to show me how he could dislocate his shoulder as part of this Cirque dance... and well... we never made it to dinner because frankly, seeing someone dislocate shoulder is not terribly appetizing. And, there didn't seem much else to say.

That's pretty much all I have to say about that.

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