Friday, February 19, 2010

Sucked into Sites

So here we go, spiraling into another online dating service site. I haven't quite failed with the first one but I'm already at the end of week 22 and haven't made a match! No pressure, no stress, it's just an obscene goal to go on 27 dates in 21 weeks!!!

Yes, I haven't been on a date yet (obviously), so I'm upping my opportunities and signed up for a second site, expanding my horizons further. This new one was so well advertised during the Valentines day weekend that I just have to check it out. On page one they show you a pretty beach and ask you to select a comment from multiple choice - is this picture a) pretty b) ugly c) stupid d) make you want to see more?

The personality test was fun, sure it had your usual multiple choice questions but it had some crazy out of left field questions like - on a scale of 1 to 5, how stupid do you think dating sites are? That just made me want to see more! Then I was give pictures and asked to select a title, and then play brainteaser games like is this hexagon the same size as that one? If not, change them so they are both the same size... What that has to do with my personality is beyond me but it made answering all the dumb questions like "what's your favorite hobby", less lame.

This site also categorizes you and your matches, based on your selections you become a Tiger, an Elephant, a Giraffe, a Monkey (these aren't the actual group names but close enough...) and these "groups" or "categories" make matching you up easier and well, more fun. Do I want to meet a Tiger like me or do I want to meet a Giraffe whom I might prey on... Each group is a personality type which isn't too hard to figure out.

Of course once you get matched with some interesting possibilities, then they tell you how much it costs... and then you question if it's worth your first paycheck on a new job to meet someone (or 27 someones) for the sake of a blog...

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