Tuesday, February 9, 2010

G*Star Goes Dating - 101

The title of this blog is true!
To set the record straight in case you had any doubts about me dating or blogging about dating. Goodness knows it seems out of character, but consider this a social experiment, the funny, sarcastic and exciting kind.

Here's my pitch: in light of recent events (or lack there of) I have decided to try my hand in the world of dating to a) practice my dormant social skills, b) meet some new people (particularly the male-have-lots-o-money-want-to-take-me-to-dinner kind) And c)have something to do with myself on Saturday nights when all my friends are out with their significant others and I'm home drinking wine alone plotting world domination.

So, the pitch: I'm going to go on 27 dates before I turn 27 this July 20th 2010.

Reasoning: First, I picked 27 not to be like the film 27 Dresses (though we all know I'm a sucker for a crappy romantic comedy) but because I'm turning 27 and I've realized that with all of the adventures and experiences I've had in my 26.5 years, dating hasn't really been one of them. Sure, I had the college romance, I had the Italian in Paris but in my close to four years in New York, I think I've had 3 dates. And really, the last official date I had was Valentines day 2009, yeah a terrible day for a first date - almost as bad as a wedding date. This year I'll be spending the Hallmark holiday at a wedding with a bucket to puke my unromantic sentiments into during the ceremony. (Not dissing you directly cousin, sorry and congrats!)

Now don't think I'm doing this to find myself a husband, I'm not. I'm more interested in seeing if there is a man (or multiple) in the world (or New York City area) who can stand a controlling-power hungry-motivated-beautiful-sarcastic and intelligent woman like myself. I'm interested in trying a few on for size, like shoes, walking around in different sized heels to see what makes me comfortable, what I want - color, shape, size, feel... Comparing men to shoes probably isn't appropriate, shoes you can return if they don't love you back and men - well some you have to hand cuff to you to keep or run over with a tractor to get rid of. It depends.

Motivation: I've noticed that since my time in New York, I have a terrible pattern to turn away just about every single guy that shows an interest in me and only go after the ones who can't stand me (imagine that!). There is some deep psychological explanation there that maybe I'll figure out or maybe I won't but if nothing else, by "blogging" about my dating adventures, I'll be forcing myself to write which I don't do enough of and thus if all else fails at least there will be a romantic comedy to produce in my future!

Plan: So how, you ask, am I going to go on 27 dates in the next 23 weeks...

I'm going to start by being a hypocrite and signing up for a few online dating services which I neither like nor believe in - thus ensuring that any date I go on will start with a lie... sealing the deal that this whole mission to find a soul mate will no doubt, fail.

I'm going to ask all of my friends to subject their single friends to me and my writing adventures - how could that go wrong?

And I'm going to take every opportunity offered me to go out and meet people in social settings (oh joy! me in a bar full of nasty, sweaty drunks).

Expectations: I am going to try and throw my expectations and obscenely high standards out the window (or at least lower to eye sight) and I am going to expect my readers to do the same. I encourage you to have no expectations for me, my mission or what you may read here within.

You should count on the fact that my sarcasm, my judgementalness, my unpolitical correctness, and my insecurities will all come out. I will write exactly what I think and feel - changing ALL names to protect the poor schmucks (and myself) - and those of you who know me personally know there's not much I hold back from saying. I won't here. If you can't take it - you probably shouldn't date me.

Consider this mission officially launched.

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