In the first 48 hours of my world of online dating I have received 27 matches and I keeping getting more. There can't possibly be that many men in the tri-state area that have things in common with me.
I'll admit, it's overwhelming. I should be looking at this with excitement and hope and all I think when I get an alert is "not another one!" Mind you it's only been about 2 days...
First, it's the match. Then I have to review the profile, before I'm even finished reading the "what's most important to me" section, the guy is making contact and asking me a bunch of questions I don't feel ready to what is your ideal date? Oy.
I need to find a way to narrow them down. So... all the guys from Jersey are OUT. I'm not discriminating due to location, I'm just being honest with myself in that - I'm discriminating if you live in Jersey. I'm not going to Jersey, not for a visit, not for a date, not to check out your awesome place or meet your dog - you're out. That's almost half.
Progress! Notice how I first thing I cut wasn't looks - I'm trying to be open minded. But speaking of that, if you profile picture is you with:
a) another woman
b) your shirt off
c) your mother
d) you, drunk, at a sporting event with your arm around another drunk dude and your tongue hanging out of your head -
Come On! You'd think the men submitting themselves to the horrid world of online dating would know better. Don't you want your photo to represent the best side of you? You should know I'm judging you on your looks!!
Then we get to the profile, if I read another heading that says "I'm passionate about passion and living life to it's fullest" - I'm going to puke! All of these men are looking for a "kind, loving, passionate woman who wants to enjoy living life to its fullest" blah blah blah.
I'm not trying to be negative but seriously? Is that all you got? How come we can't be honest and say I'm looking for someone who's going to argue with me over the best ice cream flavor, or make a scene in a museum and run away laughing with me or jump into a puddle and splash an old lady for no reason at all?
And one more thing about profile matches - when asked what the top 5 most important things are to you, do NOT answer: air, food, water, sports, my dog Pookie. (Of course I said movies and chocolate which aren't much better... maybe I can still change that).
I meet my g/f the old fashion way - on an airplane - hummm am I now a member of the mile high club :-)